Monday, December 29, 2008

Childlike At It's Best

Sometimes I like to stand in the shower with my clothes on and pretend I'm in a submarine that's been hit.

Sometimes, we are all like children. Who says that growing up means we can't have childlike enjoyment. To run and play, just for the fun of it. To drink apple juice, just to enjoy it. To stray from work, once in a while, just to go out and be free.

Remember when you were a kid? Did you ever want to be a bird so you could fly? Did you ever dream of growing up to be a super hero so you could save people? Did you go to the zoo, and look at all the cheetas and tigers?

I do. And I miss those days. The ones where the biggest concern was deciding what kind of jam to have with my peanut butter. The ones where fighting with a sibling simply meant who got to pick the movie we watched. The ones where laughing and joking and smiling were a minute to minute thing.

Not all children live happy and easy lives. But all children have imagination and a natural understanding and the hope that all people are good. Coming into this new year, I want to be more childlike. I want to enjoy more, judge less, and laugh often.

You can be childlike without being childish.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Move On


I'm afraid that I'm holding you back. I'm also afraid that you might be holding me back as well. So, maybe it's for the best.

It'll be hard, but I think I can manage without you.

Each life is a session of phases. Moving from one to another, many at a time, beginnings and endings blurring together. Some easy to see, some not seen until much time has passed. Some by choice and others as unwanted as ever possible.

Life phases help us to grow. To see inside ourselves. To mold and bend and create our character like any other teacher never can. A life phase can be the most painful and difficult lesson ever taught, and at the same time be the most soul searching and progressive period in our life time. Some people have come out of a trial being stronger and more self empowering than they ever thought possible for themselves.

The line between different phases of life are sometimes blurry, and sometimes they are as crystal clear as making a choice. The hardest part of entering a new life phase can be the choice itself, and then all pieces fall into place. When is the right time to hold on? When is it better to stay in a particular life phase, rather than moving on to the next one? Is it human nature to want to stay in the same safe and secure place, or to move in the way way of progression? When is it time to make the decision and move into the next phase of life?

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted:
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

"Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There is a Season)"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Change The World

Everyone wants to make a difference. Everyone wants to be noticed. Everyone wants to see the world become a better place.

As humans, we are the most powerful race. We can destroy or save our planet, we can destroy or save other creatures, and we can destroy or save other humans. So why are we sometimes afraid to make use of, or even admit that we have, such a divine and motivating power?

I'm leaving in October to volunteer all over the world. I WILL change the world but I fear I sound too lofty saying this out loud.
This person is strong. And they have a vision to change the world, to make it a better place. They offer encouragement and motivation simply by stating out loud that they are going to make a difference. Whether they are going to save a rainforest, feed hungry children, or boost moral, they are going to make a difference. Their positive attitude and determination has been enough to inspire people, as can be seen by the comments that are left.

What will you do? What would be your dream to change the world? If you could do anything, regardless of cost, location, or how big or small, how would you change the world?

"To the world, you may be one person. But to one person, you may be the world."
Author: Unknown

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Welcome to our Blog

Secrets are funny things. They are often at the core of our thoughts and feelings. In a lot of ways, they define who we are. Everyone has secrets but for various reasons people feel that they are better off keeping these secrets to themselves. Some secrets have so much personal significance that not telling anyone can really weigh heavily on a person's conscious. Even worse, since secrets are often held privately, people naturally think that they are alone with these personal thoughts and that no one else could ever understand or relate to what's going on in their heads. was created in order to give people a 100% anonymous forum in which to share their innermost secrets and hopefully gain some peace of mind and perhaps even some helpful advice. Visitors of the site are able to read these anonymous secrets, rate them and provide any comments they think will may help the original poster.

What has amazed me most about the site so far is that for almost every secret posted there tends to be at least one person who comments "me too!" or "I feel like you just read my mind!!". There is nothing better than seeing comments like these. Suddenly people realize that their secret is not so uncommon and they no longer feel as isolated, alone and misunderstood.

CheckMysecret has been so successful in such a short amount of time, we feel the addition of an official blog is a logical next step. Every week, we will write a little bit of commentary about one of the most interesting secrets posted on the site as well as the comments it received. In addition this blog will serve as a way to communicate with members of the checkmysecret community where we will tell you about new features on the site and hopefully receive a little bit of feedback as well. So sit back and enjoy. We hope you enjoy this new feature of