Monday, December 29, 2008

Childlike At It's Best

Sometimes I like to stand in the shower with my clothes on and pretend I'm in a submarine that's been hit.

Sometimes, we are all like children. Who says that growing up means we can't have childlike enjoyment. To run and play, just for the fun of it. To drink apple juice, just to enjoy it. To stray from work, once in a while, just to go out and be free.

Remember when you were a kid? Did you ever want to be a bird so you could fly? Did you ever dream of growing up to be a super hero so you could save people? Did you go to the zoo, and look at all the cheetas and tigers?

I do. And I miss those days. The ones where the biggest concern was deciding what kind of jam to have with my peanut butter. The ones where fighting with a sibling simply meant who got to pick the movie we watched. The ones where laughing and joking and smiling were a minute to minute thing.

Not all children live happy and easy lives. But all children have imagination and a natural understanding and the hope that all people are good. Coming into this new year, I want to be more childlike. I want to enjoy more, judge less, and laugh often.

You can be childlike without being childish.

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