Monday, January 19, 2009

To Be or Not To Be. Or Maybe, To Be Something Different

When I was younger I was always the good little church girl. Now I am older and don't know what I believe in. I don't know how I could have this loss of faith. It used to be so strong. Now I am with a Muslim man that I love a lot, and he keeps mentioning me converting... it hurts me that he would even ask me to make that big of a step for him. And I don't know what to do. I am so confused about this whole God thing...
Author: Female 19

This secret has stuck out in my mind since the first time I read it. As a person that is strong in my own religion and a big advocate of happiness by choices, I believe all people should have the choice to decide their religion, live it, and live it fully. This comment brings up many feelings for me.

First, her lost faith in what she felt used to be so strong. It seems sad. She seems to be mourning who she used to be and the faith she used to have.

Second, she seems upset that her boyfriend is asking her to change her religion. This gives me mixed feelings. I am sad that her boyfriend wants her to change. However I feel hope for her because she feels loss at thinking of changing. To me that says she still feels she could get back into the faith she felt so strongly.

I was also interested in the comments that were left for this secret. So many people advised her one way or the other. Choose this way or choose that way. Many people were quick to judge. Not only judging her, but judging the boyfriend she mentions, and judging both of the religions she is considering. And even judging each other.

Yet, there are others. There are those that told her to investigate, to learn, to take time to think about it, and then to choose which felt better for her. There were people that offered websites and books to help her to learn. There are so many that encourage her to stay who she is and not change for another person, but to change only if she felt it would make her a better person and bring her closer to the God she chose to believe in. Those are the people that give hope. Those are the people that bring kindness. Those are the people that make our world a better place.

“I have one life and one chance to make it count for something . . . I'm free to choose what that something is, and the something I've chosen is my faith. Now, my faith goes beyond theology and religion and requires considerable work and effort. My faith demands -- this is not optional -- my faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I know women in the past have worked really hard to make the women of today equal to men, and all our rights, etc. & I have tons of respect for them.

But I'd really rather just get married and be a housewife for the rest of my life.

Who decides what is equal in today's world? Who decides what goes and what doesn't? Who decides what is okay and what isn't?

If a man and woman are worth equally as much to a company, why is the average salary of a woman less than the average salary of a man? If a man and a woman are equally as beneficial as the child rearing parent, why is it assumed that it is the mother? Why is the standard to have a male doctor or dentist, and female assistants, nurses, and techs? Is a person with lots of modern book knowledge but not much experience equal to a person with many many years of experience but no modern book knowledge?

Now with that in mind, should everything be equal? What about the natural differences between men and women, young and old, and our natural strength and weaknesses? Shouldn't we focus and encourage ones stronger points, while not being so demanding or the weaker points?

In a world that proves time and time again that life is not fair, do we have a right to demand equality in all things?

Then again, thanks to Newton, we know that everything has an equal and an opposite.

The worst for of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Speak Your Mind

Obama makes me sick. I think he should stop being idolized. It disgusts me how many people voted for him because he was black, and not for his issues! I'm against ALMOST everything he stands for! Where is everyone's morals?!

...but secretly, I also hope Obama ends up being a great president and saves our Country. Secretly, I hope he's everything America needs, and I pray to God. . .

Abridged Secret

Several things stood out to me when I read this secret. It made me stop and think. I'd like share some of those thoughts with you.

The first thing is the feeling behind her words. She is passionate about what she is saying. She feels it strongly and is speaking her mind. If we could all be so passionate.

The second is her message. Too often, people simply go with the flow or follow the crowd. This young woman is breaking away from the crowd to analyze and decide her own opinion. She is questioning what she sees, to make up her own mind. If we could all be so conclusive.

The third is her hope. Although she does not like what is happening, although she does not agree with it, she has hope for the future. She sees the potential, the better good that can come from a situation. If we could all be so positive.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."